10 weirdest and coolest wearable tech ideas that surfaced and disappeared

10 weirdest and coolest wearable tech ideas that surfaced and disappeared

A report on Wearable Intelligence once wrote, “At any given moment, a large number of people are gathering, filtering and organizing the information that he requires. Wearables will essentially perform the same function for all the rest of us. They will be our ‘personalizer’ for the Internet of Things.”

With such confidence in wearable tech becoming the personalizer for the Internet of Things, it’s no wonder that a new wearable tech device is launched almost every month. Yet, even at such high speeds of innovation within the wearable tech scene, many of these have also unfortunately surfaced and disappeared (or haven’t updated the Internet world for a while). Some of these are absolutely brilliant ideas, while others have disappeared for good reason. You be the judge!

Read more: 5 coolest wearable tech gadgets to look out for in 2015

1. Microsoft smart bras – stress detector

Image credits: BBC

Read more: This week in lifelogging: Shadow the dream catcher, Navigate through real life and Microsoft smart bras

2. Sony smart wigs – mobile computers

Image credits: Telegraph

3. Tedi – baby monitor disguised in a bearsuit

Image credits: Daily News

Read more: This week in lifelogging: tracking with Tedi, sane tracking and revolutionizing hearing aids

4. Neurocam – automatic recorder based on brainwaves

Image credits: Mashable

Read more: This week in lifelogging: grandma was a lifelogger, forming habits and Neurocam introduction

5. Motorola’s smart tattoos – mobile mic, lie detector and digital display

Image credits: SMH Digital Life

Read more: This week in lifelogging: Motorola’s electronic tattoo, lifelogger Rupert Murdoch and tracking in your sleep

SEE ALSO:  Weekly wrap-up

6. Vodafone power pocket charger

Image credits: Dailymail

Read more: This week in lifelogging: mobility with wearable tech, QS with Foursquare and memories during sleep

7. Eidos – enhance and control our senses in real time

Image credits: Tim Bouckley

Read more: This week in lifelogging: Future of wearable tech, Nokia haptic tattoo and lifeloggers movie premiere

8. LED shoes to guide you home

Image credits: Huffington Post

Read more: This Week in Lifelogging: Full Google Glass Explainer Video, LED Shoes that Guide You and The World’s Most Quantified Man

9. Hands-free mobile phones

Image credits: Headflat

Read more: This Week in Lifelogging: 35 Future Innovations, Wearable Tech & Its Rumors and Memoto on CNN

10. Smart suits – paying like a gentleman

Image credits: International Business Times

Read more: This week in lifelogging: Amazon’s new store, far-fetched wearables and DIY hyperlapse

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