Your Ultimate Guide to Wearable Tech at CES 2015

Your Ultimate Guide to Wearable Tech at CES 2015 15

The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the world’s largest tradeshow for consumer technology and America’s largest annual tradeshow. It’s a time where hundreds of companies showcase their latest innovations and people from around the world attend to get the latest scoop on what’s happening in the tech world.

With over 15 product categories and over 2,500 exhibitors, it can be quite overwhelming for those who decide to attend this 4 day event. That’s why we decided to create a guide for our product category, wearables, so that the event would be less daunting for anyone interested in learning more about wearable tech at CES this year.

The wearable tech category has over 500 companies attending, so we went through and highlighted a couple companies that we’re specifically excited about this year.

Lifelogger wearable camera

LifeLogger // @lifelogger // Sands – 75136

LifeLogger is a wearable video camera that you can wear on the back of your head that is similar to Google glass. We’re always keen on seeing more companies in our industry of providing powerful tools to better keep a record of your life.

martian watches

Martian Watches // @MartianWatches // Sands – 70843

Martian Watches is redefining classic watch by allowing communication to your smart devices. The watches are built in with cool features like voice command and notification systems. More importantly, these little gadgets are quite stylish!

misfit wearable fitness and sleep monitor

Misfit // @Misfit // Sands – 73521Sands – 73721

Misfit is on a mission to create a fitness and health tracker that people actually want to wear. These very minimal fitness trackers allow a user to track things like sleep, your nutrition, calories, and more. It appears to be a wonderful device for those looking for something ver minimal in design.

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Basis // @mybasis // Sands -74324

Basis, an Intel company, is another amazing wearable device for fitness and sleep applications. Not only does their device track calories, steps and your heart rate, but also things like your perspiration levels and body temperature!

beathometer breeze

Breathometer // @BreathometerInc // Sands – 73229

Breathometer is building the world’s first portable breath analysis platform to help people make smarter and safer decisions and to save lives. The device works with your smartphone and provides information like when your alcohol levels are back to 0 and provide ways to be healthy such as calling a cab or finding a place stay for the night.


Fitbit // @fitbit // Sands – 74318 & Sands – 74515

Fitbit provides wearable fitness devices that have become quite popular. With 7 different fitness products, you’re guaranteed to find one that works just the way you want it.

gymwatch wearable fitness tracker

Gymwatch // @GYMWATCHcom // Sands – 75411

The GYMWATCH Sensor is the only fitness tracker that precisely measures the full range of motion and strength expended in every type of exercise and provides real-time feedback to help users perform exercises properly and get the maximum results from their workouts.

iFit Active Fitness Tracker

iFIT // @iFit // Sands – 74321

iFit connects you with the world and helps you life a more healthy lifestyle. With their program, you can create workouts around the town and track it with your iFit tracker.

jaybird fitness tracker

Jaybird // @jaybirdsport // LVCC, South Hall 1 – 20848 , Sands – 74009

Jaybird is a sleek looking wristband that tracks your active lifestyle. It has a 5-plus day battery life and a waterproof warranty to ensure you don’t miss a single day!

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hereO GPS watch

hereO // Sands – 74545

HereO is the first complete end-to-end family location service. The hereO watch is the world’s smallest GPS tracking device created for children three years old and up. The watch works in sync with the free hereO app, which is also a standalone app for the whole family to share their whereabouts.

Tagg Pet Tracker

Tagg // @taggtracker // Sands – 73736

Did you know a pet is lost every 2 seconds? Well Tagg is working to help keep your pets safe and healthy with their GPS pet tracker. Not only does it track where your pet is, but it also helps track their exercise level so that you can monitor your pets health as well.

FitBark Pet Tracker

FitBark // @FitBark // Sands – 74732

FitBark is a beautiful activity monitor that helps you understand your dog’s health and behavior, so you can take better care of them. The data we seamlessly generate helps veterinarians, animal pharmas, food and retail companies better target their products and services.

Printable Wearable Tech Map

Still can’t decide where to go? We’ve created a printable map that you can use at CES 2015 that pinpoints all the exhibitors under the wearable tech category.

CES2015 Wearable Tech Map

Come find us at CES


Narrative is a wearable camera (the Narrative Clip) and app that works together to capture, store and organize users experiences automatically. The Narrative Clip only weighs 20 grams (0.7 oz) and measures 36x36x9 mm (1.42×1.42×0.35 inches). With a storage capacity of 4000 pictures and battery life for 2 days of use, you can be sure to never miss a moment! Just plug it in to your computer to transfer all your images and recharge the batteries.

SEE ALSO:  This week in lifelogging: connect to disconnect (a glimpse into the future)

Our location
Be sure to stop by our booth at CES this year to find out more about the Clip. You can find us at Sands – 73532.

Get connected
Don’t forget to add us on Twitter @getnarrative and shoot us a tweet. We’d love to chat about wearable tech with you! See you all soon.