5 Amazing Tips to Capturing Better Photos with Your Narrative Clip

5 Amazing Tips to Capturing Better Photos with Your Narrative Clip 6

The Narrative Clip wearable camera is a great solution for those people who are looking to take a lot of photos throughout their day without having to bother with taking out their camera. The Narrative Clip wearable camera easily attaches to your clothing, allowing you to take hundreds of photos throughout your day without having to do a thing and completely hands free!

Our team is committed to providing the best experience for our users, so we decided to create this article to share 7 amazing tips to capturing better photos with your Narrative Clip.

1) Clip it on something stationary

One great way to capture great images is to attach it to something stationary. This way, you won’t get blurry photos and you can create time-lapses of certain moments. Are you a new parent? Perhaps try clipping it on to your baby’s crib. Going camping? Try clipping it on to the outside of your tent! There are many places you can clip on your Narrative. How do you like to clip your Narrative?

SEE ALSO: 10 Must See Stunning Examples of Time-lapse Photography

2) Wear it on the outermost piece of clothing

Narrative Clip 2
To avoid the camera being blocked, it’s best to clip it on the outermost article of clothing. Often times, the Clip might be covered up by a jacket, long hair or other things. If you clip it on to the outer most article of clothing, you’ll have a better chance that your Clip won’t get covered up.

3) Be aware of the sun

too much sun meme portlandia
Just like any other camera, the position of the sun matters. If you’re facing directly into the sun, most likely you’ll be getting some silhouetted photos. If you have the opportunity to reposition (say you’re having a picnic with friends), try to sit so that you’re not directly facing into the sun.

SEE ALSO:  Ways to get involved with the Narrative Community!

4) Test different locations

Most people will choose to wear their Narrative Clip on their shirt; however, sometimes it pays off to get a little creative! Try placing it on your hat, backpack or another part of your outfit to capture some very unique perspectives.

5) Remember the double-tap

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
The Narrative Clip is so discreet and unobtrusive that sometimes you forget that you’re even wearing it. Composition plays a huge role in photography and sometimes you’ll want to compose a shot. With a simple double-tap on your Narrative Clip, you can easily frame up your shots and get a better overall composition.

Have a tip to share?

Let us know your Narrative Clip tip to better photos by leaving a comment below!