This week in life logging: Getting pregnant, improving your memory and self-tracking for seniors and drivers

This week in life logging: Getting pregnant, improving your memory and self-tracking for seniors and drivers 1

Family Planning with your smartphone










Your journey to parenthood starts with an app, apparently. As we get increasingly comfortable with disclosing our data online, we are also increasingly open to the vast possibilities that apps can bring us. In recent months, we have seen more fertility apps for conceiving being introduced to the market. More couples are increasingly turning to quantified self to track their sexual activity and Glow is one of the most popular apps out there. Via a high-tech, big data approach to your ovulation, menstrual cycles, body temperature, stress and sexual activity etc, Glow aims to use science to help you create miracles of life. Essentially, using all the data, the apps inform you when you’re the most fertile. Divulging all this personal information may seem intimidating and insecure, but one user also mentioned increased sense of control. With Glow, we can then make better informed decisions. What do you think of conceiving with the help of an app? Is there a limit to what we should do with big data? Let us know what you think!

Read more: Congrats, It’s an App! Family Planning with Your Smartphone , Glow’s $6M pregnancy app hits the app store to let you ‘conceive with confidence’

Doro, Withings brings quantified self to seniors











On the same note, we are also really excited to hear about this partnership between Sweden-based Doro and French-based Withings. Doro is a company specializing in making phones for seniors and Withings in creating health apps and trackers. This partnership aims to demonstrate that combined with an adapted smartphone, seniors will be increasingly receptive to the usage of health tracking devices. According to Doro President and CEO, Jérôme Arnaud, this partnership with Whitings is just the beginning of something big. This app will help to keep family members closer and more informed about each other health’s stats as the world is becoming increasingly globalized. This is particularly useful for those of us with elderly parents. With this new partnership and a potential app being developed, we will then be able to track any irregularities in our family members’ health. This data could then eventually help “alert someone who is in a position to react in case something goes wrong.” We think this is a great partnership and we can’t wait for the app to go live!

SEE ALSO:  This week in Lifelogging: Big data art, wearable technology and skinny jeans trackers

Read more: Doro, Withings brings quantified self to seniors

Nissan launches Nismo smartwatch for drivers









So, in one of our previous life-logging post, we did a feature on Race Capture, a device aimed to track pro-level race car data. However, not all of us are race car-drivers. While all the information from Race Capture are good, it may not relevant to us. So, as a leisure driver, how else can we improve and be a better driver? Well, we might have a tracking device for you, especially if you are a Nissan car owner. Just last week, Nissan launched the Nismo smartwatch, that is aimed at enhancing connectivity between the driver and the car. The Nismo Watch will connect with Nissan‘s Nismo vehicle range, enabling drivers to keep track of their speed and fuel consumption to help enhance the efficiency of their vehicle, capture biometric data via a heart rate monitor; connect to the car using a smartphone app via Bluetooth Low Energy and receive tailored car messages from Nissan.

Read more: Nissan launches Nismo smartwatch for drivers ,Nismo Smart watch by Nissan

Break time may improve memory










We all love Fridays. However, Fridays can also be really daunting because of the amount of work we have to clear. So, as a result, we are often glued to our desks in a race to complete everything. However, research has also shown that taking a break may actually help us to focus better and improve our memory. That’s good news isn’t it? Research has shown that by taking breaks, we can actually help our brain to tune out other tasks so that we can tune in to what we just finished / learned. In a sense, creating longer-term memories. So what are you still waiting for? Take that coffee break that you so deserve!

SEE ALSO:  This week in lifelogging: the next megatrend (featuring Apple and astronauts)

Read more: Break time may improve memory

Ageing Time-lapse Video

This is a time-lapse video like you’ve never seen before. This is the cycle of life reduced to five minutes, and possibly one of the most seamless and best time-lapse video we have seen. This video was created by filmmaker Anthony Cerniello, who photographed and edited together the photos of a family who had similar bone structures and animated them to look as lifelike as possible. The end result, “Danielle,” offers a uncanny look at how someone ages right in front of your eyes. Check it out!

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