[New] Most requested update allows you to change photo interval

Tailor your Narrative experience to your needs

This update gives you two ways to have more control over your Narrative experience and helps you stay in the moment. Changing the photo interval has been a big request from our community because sometimes we’re in moments that need more frequent photo capture than every 30 seconds, like when your playing with your children or watching a fast-paced game. The new uploader for OS X makes this and turning off the double-tap function possible.

Change the photo interval: depending on what you’re doing, you may want to capture more or less photos than standard 30 second interval. Now you can choose to capture photos in intervals starting from 10 seconds up to 2 minutes.

Disable double-tap: those of you who wear the Clip for more active moments, like running, can now disable the double-tap function.

Get the update 

  1. OS X users will be prompted to download the latest version when you open the Narrative uploader on your computer.
  2. You will also need to update the Clip firmware. Connect the Clip to your computer and select “Update when I disconnect the Clip”. Please note that your Clip must have a charge of at least 50% to complete the firmware update.

Windows users be on the lookout, a new uploader is coming your way soon. 

How to change the settings 

  • Plug in your Clip
  • Open the Narrative uploader
  • Go to settings
  • Scroll down to Clip settings
  • Set your interval and double-tap preferences