It’s a beautiful day here in Stockholm and we hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday! The crunch period is coming to an end and things are looking great! Before we get down to business, make sure to check out the sample photos on our @memototeam instagram account, like this one:
Last week, we evaluated the connector system with the updated camera modules and think they are a good fit. We also believe we’ve found the last of the noise interfering with the GPS (see previous update). This week, we are producing a small batch of complete cameras with the current PCB in Taiwan.
Software and backend

- Photo sharing – Users can select and share photos to Facebook and to Twitter. DONE – sharing to Instagram was also included.
- Save to camera roll – Users can select photos from a moment and download/save them to the camera roll in full resolution. DONE
- Delete moment – Users should be able to permanently delete a moment. There should be an “Are you sure?” prompt. DONE
- Delete photos – Users should be able to select and permanently delete photos from a moment (see delete moment). DONE
- Notifications when momentification is complete – Users should get a push notification when all new photos have been made into moments. DONE
- Calibrate play speed of a moment – Make sure the play speed is just right for a user to playback a normal moment. DONE
In addition to these, capability to favorite photos within a moment has also been implemented.
- Star photos support in the API – The API needs to support starred photos. DONE
- Support for splitting moments in the API – The backend should support moment splitting so this can be implemented in the app. DONE
- Support for downloading an image in full resolution – The apps should be able to download an image in full resolution. DONE
- Backend should be verbose – Uploaders and apps need to know what the backend is doing to be able to display information back to the user. For example: the uploader should know if the backend is momentifying photos. In progress
We have also added support for more than one user, so you can sync multiple cameras on the same computer and support for automatic firmware updates.
Have a great weekend!
/Memoto team
Again good progress thank for keeping us informed. When can we test it as well ?
I noticed Samsung “borrowed” a bit of your name in their recently launched Memographer part of Gear. You must be heading in the right direction if you are copied !
Please ship soon!!!
Working hard to make that happen!! Best, SM