3 Hidden Features that we love in the Narrative App

3 Hidden Features that we love in the Narrative App 3
Image credit: Daily Dot

With 2014 coming to a close, it is now the time of the year for Thanksgiving – a season to give thanks for all the blessings this past year!

Was it an exceptional summer? Or has 2014 been a hell of a roller coaster ride? If you have been using our Narrative Clip through the majority of the year, you are in luck! It is now easier than ever for you to relive your memories – especially with a new feature we launched for you last week –  just in time to look back at the year. To help you get the most out of your Narrative App, here are 3 features you may not know of yet that we love at Narrative:

Feature 1: Jump to Date ( Reliving moments)

iOS Jump to dateWe know scrolling through the timeline manually can get pretty tiring very quickly – especially if the moments are a few months back or even a few weeks back. All of us at Narrative definitely feels so, specifically for some who have been using the Clip for more than a year now. This is why we are so stoked to introduce this Jump to Date feature to you- or Time Warp feature as some of us like to call it.

With this Jump to Date feature, you can now effortlessly find your Narrative moments with the new app update by jumping to any date you want. Want to relieve your summertime fun? Easy! Simply tap on the drop-down menu beside the date and a calendar will automatically pop up. Swipe back and forth to find the month and day you want. Those dates underlined in red are days with moments. Relieving your summer has never been easier.

SEE ALSO:  2 awesome feature requests from Narrative Users - Yes we are listening!

Feature 2: Sharing Pictures from the Narrative App

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Found a funny picture of your friend making the silliest face while scrolling through your moments? Or snapshots from your summer holiday? Sharing your pictures to a number of social media platforms from the Narrative App is really easy too!

A picture is worth a thousand words, so a video must definitely be worth more! To learn how to share pictures from your Clip, check out the video tutorial my colleague made here!

You can choose to upload to Twitter/ Facebook/ Instagram or even send it via email. When sharing, don’t forget to tag your pictures with hashtag #narrativeclip . All pictures tagged with #narrativeclip will be published on the Narrative Community Page – so head over to join our global community of Narrative users! Catch you on the flip side!

Feature 3: Changing the cover picture of your moment


We are not sure about you, but we like to keep our timeline pretty and neat – choosing the best picture to represent each moment. It makes reliving moments easier and having great cover pictures also makes us look better when we show off our pictures in the Narrative App to our friends ( In time for the holiday showing off season) ;p The third icon on the tool bar represents this feature! To learn more, check out the video tutorial.

That’s all for this month’s support blog post. What other features would you like to see in the App? Give us a shout out and some love on our new Community Support Forum!

P.S. Have you tried our our New Narrative Web App? – A brand new way to view your pictures