This week in lifelogging: QS Conference 2014, Samsung Life Times app and Jimmy Nelson photography

This week in lifelogging: QS Conference 2014, Samsung Life Times app and Jimmy Nelson photography 2

Quantified Self Europe Conference 2014


Every year, a group of Quantified Self enthusiasts would gather together to share the latest insights into this global movement. This year is no different and the QS Europe conference will be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 10-11 May. This conference will be hands-on and interactive, with user-defined workshops on mood, data visualization, sleep, ethics, and many other topics. Some of the most interesting speakers from the QS Meetups all around the world will also be sharing the technological products that they use and about the culture of self-tracking. So be sure to register soon or head down to one of the Meetups closest to you for a taste of the Quantified Self!

Read more: Welcome to the 2014 Quantified Self Europe Conference!

Image credited to Quantified Self

Samsung’s rumored lifelogging app

Rumor has it that Samsung is working on a new lifelogging tool. Screenshots of the app, which first appeared on SamMobile, show an app that is named Samsung Life Times. It appears to be a real-time diary that catalogs information pulled from various apps to create a personalized feed of your daily activities. Most apps can be incorporated into Samsung Life Times, including Samsung’s camera, email, memo, SMS, phone, music, and health apps, as well as to social accounts such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram. And these apps are of course incorporated by choice so you can customize exactly how you want your life’s episodes to play out. Although how this app is going to be integrated into the Samsung devices is still unclear, this lifelogging phenomenon is surely taking the tech giants’ world by storm as other major players like Sony are also developing their own lifelogging tools. We’re excited!

SEE ALSO:  Making data fun

Read more: Leaked Photos Reveal New Samsung Lifelogging App and 5 apps to create your own mobile diary

Image credited to Mashable

Before they pass away

And if you prefer lifelogging an entire tribe of people instead of keeping your personal mobile diary, meet Jimmy Nelson (photo above), a professional photographer who has decided to embark on a journey to photograph 35 of the world’s last cultures as art and icons. His starting point? His doctor giving him some wrong medicine that caused him to lose all his hair overnight. He looked drastically different. He was the same person. But people started treating him differently. With that, he decided to leave his country to go where people are bald like him – Tibet. And along the way, he started discovering who he truly is and what he truly wanted – to photograph these tribes before they pass away. A true example of lifelogging and archiving the world’s precious cultures. His advice to us urban people? Look closer and be less quick to judge. Check out more of his amazing works here in a bid to preserve our world’s authenticity!

Watch video: Before they pass away: Jimmy Nelson at TEDxAmsterdam

Image credited to Jimmy Nelson

Happy Lunar New Year!

And to all our lovely Chinese backers and everyone else who is feasting on some Chinese New Year goodies over this weekend, here’s the Narrative team wishing you a very Happy Lunar New Year and a fantastic year ahead!

Image credited to Photo Elsoar

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