This week in lifelogging: beauty technology, finance tracking and photography projects

This week in lifelogging: beauty technology, finance tracking and photography projects

Smart eyelashes and nails

With consumers desiring wearable tech devices for lifelogging purposes, many companies have tried means and ways to create that one perfect small and seamless lifelogging device that would triumph all other gadgets out there. But wearable tech disguised behind long eyelashes, flashy fingernails and makeup? That has got to be unheard of. This convergence between micro-technology and fashion was first inspired into action when Katia Vega returned from her exchange studies in Hong Kong. There, she realized that women on the streets loved donning these fashion necessities. Vega is currently working on two main projects. The first project is embedding RFID tags into stylish cosmetic fingernails so that wearers can make use of a combination of finger movements to perform certain tasks like opening a passcode locked door. The second project that Vega is working on is making use of conductive makeup embedded with sensors to perform certain tasks just by blinking. Her first projects are still in its prototype phase but are expected to be commercialized with support from sponsors. If these beauty tech devices could advance beyond performing simple tasks and used for lifelogging purposes, would you put them on?

Read more: Smart Eyelashes and Fingernails: The Next Wave of Wearable Tech

Tracking your finances

And if all that Christmas or New Year’s shopping for the latest fashion accessories has sent your finances towards a downward spiral, here’s one lifelogging tool you absolutely need – Open Bank Manager by Cozy Cloud. Although finance tracking apps like Mint and Buxfer already exist, the founders of Cozy Cloud feel that using any of these services means handing over your online banking credentials to someone — and trusting them with any other data they collect about your habits. With that, they decided to release an open source tool that lets you juggle all your finances from a private personal cloud. Cozy Cloud already offers contact management, notebooks, calendars and other tools — all of which you can host on the company’s servers, or on your own servers.

SEE ALSO:  This Week on Explore: A Hot Air Balloon and a Fish, Amongst Other Things

Read more: ‘Quantified Self’ Movement Now Lets You Track Your Money Too

2013 quantified self tech

Besides finance tracking apps, many other Quantified Self tools have gained popularity in this past year too. In this list, we find a whole array of self-tracking tools that Silicon Angle has categorized as the top 10 Quantified Self Tech for 2013. Out of this list, we find the widely popular fitness tracking gadgets like FitBit Force, Jawbone Up and Nike FuelBand SE, as well as others like Whistle, which is a small device that fits on your dog’s collar to monitor activity levels. Our favorite gadget is up on that list too, on number 2 (: More Christmas shopping for the QSers, anyone?

Read more: Top 10 Quantified Self Tech for 2013

2013 wildlife and nature photography

Now if your dream life is to be surrounded by the natural beauties of wildlife and nature, here’s a sneak preview into the kind of photos your lifelogging camera will have. From the arresting image of a tawny owl in Rough Hill Wood, Warwickshire, to showing the Cape gannets in their breeding colony on Malgas Island, South Africa, The Guardian presents a selection of winning wildlife images, alongside stunning nature photographs that capture painting-like landscapes and log cabins straight out of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Are you ready to take your lifelogging camera out to the woods yet? Here’s some more photography project ideas to capture your special moments starting 2014! With that, we at Narrative would like to take this chance to wish all of you a very Happy New Year ahead. Cheers to 2014!

SEE ALSO:  Memoto comments: This week in lifelogging (w26)

Read more: Wildlife and nature photography award-winning images of 2013 – in pictures and The best photographs of 2013 – in pictures

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