Here’s to another great year, 2014!

Shipment date, new partners and farewell to a name we love 1

Dear friends of Narrative,

2013 has been a great year and we have you to thank. We’ve come a long way since we started working on the Narrative Clip more than two years ago. What started off as a crazy idea to produce the smallest wearable camera to capture life as we live it has now transformed into a full-fledged company with thousands of customers.

We are truly proud of how far we’ve come. The truth is, we couldn’t have done it without you, our earliest customers. Investing in the idea of the Narrative Clip had meant blind faith from you, in a new concept that had not ever been produced in the mass market. That demanded a lot of trust and patience from you (despite repeated delays), and I am continually humbled and thankful for the grace and unwavering support we received from all of you this past one year.

2013 has not been without challenges. We encountered repeated delays, which resulted in us having to push back out shipping dates multiple times. It was truthfully frustrating for us as well as we work hard to deliver the great product that we promised you. In retrospect, the prototypes we had were not able to scale to the full, satisfactory user experience, so we ended up re-building everything from the ground up. Through this year, we have learnt much from all our challenges faced and one takeaway from all these setbacks is learning that we have the most understanding, patient and supportive backers. Words can’t express our appreciation for all of you and we will continue to work hard for all of you in 2014.

SEE ALSO:  Craig's Narrative Clip enjoys America's pastime

We have achieved much in 2013. On top of steering a name change (from Memoto to Narrative), we have devoted much time and energy to analyzing ways to improve our Narrative Clip and the software to better serve all of you. Much work has been done on resolving hardware issues and refining the algorithms within the Narrative Cloud to capture and filter better pictures. We have also invested much time and resources to build up a great Narrative app for all of you to view the pictures captured with your Narrative Clip. This is just the beginning and we can’t wait to hear what all of you think. We have now officially started shipping and we are really excited to get our babies out to all of you.

On a more invisible level, we are transforming our processes to improve the way we work. One really exciting project coming up is the inclusion of helpshift in our Narrative App, to improve our service in app. This means that you will be able to receive support on our Narrative App as and when you need soon.

We are also continually strengthening our internal processes by hiring new staff and adopting a more formal approach to projects. We are very fortunate to have acquired a $3 million venture funding from True Ventures and this will provide great financial support as we continue to grow and strengthen in 2014. As we look to 2014 and beyond, we will continue to challenge ourselves to provide you, our customers, with the best possible Narrative experience – one that is life-changing for you.

SEE ALSO:  Weekly update: Improved yield results and software crunch time

For all our current users, we plan to put out frequent updates with improvements, bug fixes and new features for all our current Narrative Clip users. In 2014, we will also look to develop an even better version of the Narrative Clip, adding additional accessories (Waterproof case for adventure lifeloggers, Wide-angle lenses and a Wifi Dock are just some that are currently being planned for development) and integrating social platforms into the Narrative experience.

Our focus for 2014 is to create value, rather than success. A lot of work remains to be done, and we need as much involvement as possible from you to do that. So, please feel free to reach out and show us how we can improve for you.

2014 is shaping up to be really exciting and we are excited about our future. We couldn’t have done it without you guys. On this note, I wish you all a happy 2014 and I would like to thank you for the constant support you provide us so that we may continue doing our job. Happy New Year!


Best wishes,

Martin Källström,

CEO and co-founder of Narrative