This Week in Lifelogging: Tracking you subconscious, Big Data and an app for motivation

This Week in Lifelogging: Tracking you subconscious, Big Data and an app for motivation 5

 Quantifying your unconscious self

Forget tracking what you can obviously track, Adi Andrei tells us why it’s even more important to track your subconscious. He discusses studies that have shown over and over that our subconscious makes decisions .5 seconds before we consciously make them. Pretty interesting! Check out the video for his ideas on how you can hack into yours and start tracking.

Adi Andrei on Hacking Your Subconscious Mind

Interview with Steven Dean


Photo by James Soriero

An interview with Steven Dean, the New York QS organizer. He discusses what QS is, where he thinks it’s going, why it’s important and, most interestingly, addresses some criticisms.

Read more: Big-Brother Health or Mindful Living? Quantified Self Organizer Steven Dean on the Difference Between Self-tracking and Surveillance

Maintain good (self-tracking?) habits with Lift


So you have good intentions, but sometimes (conveniently) forget about them? An app called Lift can help you out. “Motivation is provided by community support and data visualizations, ability is bolstered by community discussions that provide helpful tips and tricks (you can chat with other people working on your same goals), and the new reminders feature provides a trigger.”

A Simple, Elegant Tool To Encourage Good Habits, Backed By The Founders Of Twitter

Track yourself, your stuff, your environment


An article on the new ways our lives are becoming connected and quantified. “As we become increasingly busy, offloading the tracking of things like our health or environment from the wetware computers of our brains to our portable devices doesn’t sound like such a bad idea at all.” From forks that tell you when to stop eating to a computer for your car’s computer, there’s something for almost everyone want to track their lives.

SEE ALSO:  Making data fun

Read more: Quantified Self and the Internet of Things: Everyone is collecting your data, so why shouldn’t you?

also see:

HAPIfork: The smart fork that monitors your eating habits

How Big Data Could Effect You


If you spend money, vote, are concerned about your health, study and/or worry about privacy, you’re going to take part in this “big” revolution. “The term has been around for a few years, but 2013 may be a year when Big Data moves from the technical to the practical, as real consumers and citizens start seeing its impact.”

Read more: 5 Ways Big Data Will Change Lives In 2013

The latest list of Quantified Self apps and devices

205 of them to be exact! Thanks Alexandra Carmichael!

Read more: Complete list of 200 QS Tools