The Design Story: Interview with Per Brickstad from People People

The Design Story: Interview with Per Brickstad from People People 1

Creating the Memoto camera is an ongoing collaboration with lots of brilliant people, and it’s time to present someone who’s been along on the ride almost from the start!

What follows below is an interview with Per Brickstad from People People, the expert team who helped Memoto with concept development and product design. We’re also sharing some never-before-posted pictures from the design process! Read on…

(People People are now running their own Kickstarter campaign for their great new concept “The Transparent Speaker”. Check it out now!)

Who are you? What is your background?

We are a Stockholm based Industrial Design Agency, founded by four friends in 2009. Our background is industrial design on various globally operating companies. We have done everything from consumer electronics to furniture and kitchen appliances.

Concept Renderings

What is People People all about?

Our name says it all, we are very people-centered. That means we design things based on a solid understanding of what customers will like (things like appearance, functionality and usability). We also focus on integrated sustainable development, and how we can make better products and a better industry.

Memoto camera clip by People People

People People 3D Concept Images for Memoto

When did you start working on the project? How long did the design process take?

I was in very early, like late 2011. The actual design process was I think 6-8 months. Actually a design process is best executed in parallel with other developments. It was important to work closely with Electronical design, Brand definition, UX/interface to get a holistic Memoto story in place.

Concept sketches for Memoto by People People

What was your vision for the design?

To embody the brand values (Meaningful – Reliable – Intelligent – Creative – Effortless). To achieve an artifact representing the balance between an accessory and an intelligent piece of electronic.

SEE ALSO:  Learn more about Memoto on our support site!

Memoto brand values in balance


Were you inspired by anything specific?

A lot of wrist watches, pocket watches, medallions, cameras etc… combined with the effortless simplicity of Apple products and an app icon.

The Memoto app icon mimicking the actual device

Round Memoto concept sketches by People People

What were the biggest design challenges you had to overcome?

The balance between aspects. In fact, read this blog post for deeper reflections and discussions from the process!

Memoto prototypes by People People

Did you learn anything new from this project?

Yes. I learned that people with completely different skill sets can actually work towards and achieve a common goal.

(End of interview)


Thank you Per and People People, and best of luck with your Kickstarter project!

If you enjoyed this post, please follow us on twitter and facebook! PS – Have you pre-ordered your Memoto Lifelogging Camera yet?