Katie Stern from Memolane on Digital Scrapbooking and Lifelogging

Katie Stern from Memolane on Digital Scrapbooking and Lifelogging

Katie Stern, Memolane

“Lifelogging fans will understand the value of being able to curate their social media into digital scrapbooks.”

Visual Lifelogging Services

Most of us are constantly creating and, in turn, accumulating a lot of personal data.  We’ve moved past the stage of wonderment at the simple fact that, not only is it possible for everyone to photograph and share our lives, it’s easy to do. So, where does that leave us? — Well, with a lot of raw data that is scattered throughout our various social media accounts.

We’re essentially the equivalent of virtual hoarders without ways to unite and organize all this data. How can we enjoy the memories we deemed important enough to document if we can’t find them? That’s where services like Memolane come in. To learn more, we talked to Memolane’s Marketing Director and Community Manager Katie Stern.

Interview with Katie Stern from Memolane

How does Memolane relate to lifelogging?

Memolane changes the way we make sense of the ever-increasing collection of tweets, posts, pictures and videos. The problem that we saw with social media was that everyone loves to tweet and post Instagram pictures, but there was no great way to create your life story from that content. That was until we created Memolane and we made lifelogging effortless. Memolane is a social media scrapbooking service that brings together memories from families and friends in one place. The real value is that all the great moments you capture with social media are assembled automatically in a way that is meaningful to you. Lifelogging fans will understand the value of being able to curate their social media into digital scrapbooks.

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How can someone use Memolane to remember everything?

Everytime you post on a social media platform you create a digital memory. But what is the real value of that digital memory if you can’t find it a week later? Luckily with Memolane you can find those great moments and relive them with friends without even changing your social media habits. Just connect your favorite services to Memolane and we will create a digital time machine of all your memories. All your pictures, blog posts, tweets, and videos are searchable on Memolane. Taking a trip down Memory Lane couldn’t be easier.

What digital trends to you see when it comes to tools for remembering?

In general people are capturing more and more of their lives across multiple services that cover different aspects of their daily life. This raises the need for storage, indexing, searching and presentation of these moments. The big trend is around meta data. Automating the process of applying relevant meta data at the point of capture to log time, location, people, event etc. is becoming ever important, thereby facilitating easier ways for remembering.

Ready to rediscover your memories? Head on over to Memolane and start your own digital scrapbook!

You can find more interviews on lifelogging services here!