This week in lifelogging: What happened at QS conference, QuantifiedAwesome and Evernote Food

This week in lifelogging: What happened at QS conference, QuantifiedAwesome and Evernote Food

Big question at the QS Conference? 

An interesting blog post from Whitney Erin Boesel (@phenatypical) who co-hosted one of breakout session at #QS2012.

“Before the dust of Quantified Self 2012 (#QS2012) settles completely, I want to take a moment to reflect on an implicit question that I saw running throughout the two-day conference: If data empowers individuals, what kinds of information do and do not count as data? What kinds of information have value, and to whom?”

Read the post on The Society Pages.

For those of you who attended, what was the question (or questions) you saw?

Quantified Self 2012 Notes!

Sketchnotes from the 2012 Quantified Self Conference! Here’s one from the closing plenary. You can find the rest on Quantified Self.


Sketch by Sacha Chua

QuantifiedAwesome? We think so.

Sacha Chua, creator of the awesome Sketchnotes above, wanted to start tracking her daily outfits but couldn’t find an existing app to help her out. So, what’s a girl to do? Build her own, of course! She keeps track of a lot of other things as well, not just clothes. Her dashboard aims to turn your personal data into easy to read visuals. Sound interesting? Check out and join her experiment! If you’re not quite there yet and just want to learn more, she’s provided this informative slide show and we think that’s Super Awesome!


Evernote Food

Wine and beer enthusiasts, foodies and anyone else who love keeping track of all things gastronomy should investigate Evernote Food. It can help you visually chronicle your meals/recipes/bottles of wine or beer. Check out this video from the 2012 Evernote Trunk Conference for some tips and ideas!

SEE ALSO:  Memoto comments: This week in lifelogging


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

/Sarah Massengale, new member of @memototeam this week