Narrative Service subscription signup

Dear Narrative community,

The Narrative cloud service has now been transferred to its new home. There might be some hiccups during the coming week while we tune the new setup for optimal performance, but everything is working fine.

If you want to keep using the Narrative Service, please log into your Narrative account and signup here, before April 10:

As we explained in the previous post, we will start charging a small fee per month for the cloud service and for storing your content. This fee is needed to keep the operations of the Narrative service safely up and running and to improve it (your suggestions are always welcome here!).

After April 10 we will have to start purging the accounts that are not signed up. You will still able to log in and use the account with the apps and uploader tools if you don’t sign up, but your content will be purged and no new content can be uploaded.

Regarding transfer of your content to our new cloud service: if your content is missing right now, your account may have been inactive for too long and the content wasn’t transferred. However, we still have a way to transfer latecomers, so please contact us immediately at in that case.

We would like to remind you that cloud-service support for the older versions (like, 2015 or earlier) of the Narrative Uploader desktop tools will be ended. The links for the latest versions are at, if for some reason your existing versions haven’t auto-updated.

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If you are unsure on what to do, want to give us suggestions or feedback, or want to hang out with other cool Narrative users, please check out the Facebook Narrative Clip Lounge or send an email to

The New Narrative Team.