We’ve heard from so many of our users that they really enjoy using the Clip, but sometimes feel pretty lonely and feeling like the only one in the world using this awesome gadget! 😉 (Not that I know of since I’m surrounded by Narrative geeks every day ;p)
As such, we wanted to find a way to gather all our Narrative users, and to create a community where all of our users feel like they are part of something bigger in the world.In creating a community, we want to build a space where our users can share their memories with the world as well as a space that inspires our users to try out new ways to wear the clip and create even more amazing memories.
Less than a month ago, we introduced to you the new Public Moments Timeline feature, where you are able to (1) share your own moments to inspire other Narrative users, (2) like the moments other users have shared or have (3)other Narrative users like the moments that you shared.
Inspirations from our users on how to wear/use the Narrative Clip
Fast forward a month later, we’ve gotten so inspired by how our users use our Narrative Clip. We’ve seen users attaching their Clips to objects around their surroundings to get a unique POV and to their dogs. We’ve also seen our users bringing their Clip on holidays for ski trips and on road trips as well as using it creatively to capture work in progresses ( like baking a cake, painting etc.) We’ve also seen it used in the more business context of users bringing it for conferences. It feels like we are travelling the world with our Narrative users.
Some of our favourite moments shared by our Narrative users:

There are loads more amazing shots that we’ve seen. Check it out for yourself in the Public Moments Feed. It is available both on your Narrative Mobile App as well as on our Narrative Web App. Do you have a favourite moment you would like to share with us? Check this video tutorial out to see how to share your moments.