Getting Started with your Narrative Clip – Thoughts

Getting Started with your Narrative Clip – Thoughts  1

Possibly the best perk of working in the Narrative Support and Community Team are the stories that we hear daily from our customers – how the Narrative Clip has changed the way they capture their lives and how they use the Clip…

“Some of them are funny, some of them are heartbreaking, but a recurring theme we hear throughout all the stories is that, we often do not appreciate the true value of the moment, until it has become a memory…”

Being one of the earliest users of the Narrative Clip, I can definitely identify with that sentiment. Unlike other tech gadgets that I can see the value of straightaway, the Narrative Clip is different…Why is this so?

Managing our Expectations

The idea of lifelogging is a relatively new concept to most (or me at least), and with the majority of us having our photographic skills limited to just point and shoot, it is inevitable that we are still slightly lost on how to deal with a lifelogging product – Do we and should we set the same expectations for the Clip as we do for any point and shoot camera? After using the Clip for nearly 9 months now, I think the answer is no. We should not set the same expectations. It can be easy to be put off when you first start using the Clip by seeing hundreds of mundane pictures (and perhaps realizing that your life is not the most exciting), but isn’t that truly reflective of what life is about?

“Our life is not always exciting, but every once in a while, something comes along and blows us away…”

Value of the Narrative Clip

If I were to compare a point and shoot camera to our lifelogging Narrative Clip, I would say the biggest difference is the intent behind the pictures. With a point and shoot camera, you pick what you want to shoot and it is a conscious decision to do so. That of course translates to 80-90% good photos. (Spending time on the composition etc. to create a perfect shot)

SEE ALSO:  Memoto at TNW conference

With the Narrative Clip, you basically relinquish control to a tiny gadget, which then captures your life as you may or may not see it. In comparison to the 80-90% good photos, the percentage of good photos from the Clip are of course significantly less. But these photos from the Clip are also the photos you would not have otherwise.

I find that with time and some experimenting, the percentage increases – Simply because I find the best positions for me to wear it and some practices to avoid. (Trying not to let my hair fall over the lens etc.)

My Stories

My Narrative Clip has captured some beautiful images – some which I could undoubtedly have taken with my iPhone, but my most treasured pictures are the candid ones. Here are some of my favorite stories…

A Day at Work

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I love this series and didn’t think I captured this encounter. The story goes like this… It was Dermot’s, one of our awesome customer service Ninjas, first day at work. I was training him on the mechanics of the Clip (Every Ninja has to go through training to be fully equipped with good knowledge to help our customers!). We were suddenly taken by surprise when we saw a head popping up in the window and asking us to open the window to the room. He then climbed in, measured something and left. What a laugh! Who says that work is always boring? Did I also mention that our office is not on the first floor?

Vacationing in Norway 

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SEE ALSO:  Top 4 ways to secure your Narrative Clip and not lose it


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This series was taken on my first Norway trip in the Spring. I remember being in such a cheery mood despite not having slept for more than 20 hours. This was one of the first sunny days I felt in Spring and I was out with my friends in Bergen, a small town in Norway. We decided to buy a kite on a whim and fly it. The last picture shows the amazing sunset from our hostel. Looking at these pictures, I obviously have to learn to keep my hair away from the lens too. Funny how this happened months ago, but the memory feels so fresh in my mind after looking at all these pictures!

Out at sea – Kayaking on a lazy Sunday afternoon

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This is possibly one of my favorite sets of photos – a set that would not have happened if not for my Narrative Clip. With my hands full of kayaks and my snack, it is pretty impossible to take out my camera. (Not to mention dangerous too, since I might drop my camera into the sea). I got these pictures by clipping my Clip onto my life vest. The Clip is weather-proof and is pretty resistant to water splashes. It seems to withstand all the splashes I got from my friends! I find that the Clip works really well for sports where the upper body tend to be more stationary. (less blurry pictures) Some sports that I think the Clip may be good for are kayaking, skiing, cycling, hiking, yoga etc.

SEE ALSO:  Getting more out of your photos and memories

Lunch Date

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I left the best picture for last. This is taken during a friend’s summer trip to find me in Sweden. We had met in London prior and he decided to fly over to Sweden on a whim for a weekend since he’s never been here. In this picture, we were sitting in this gorgeous restaurant just by the sea. It’s been such a wonderful weekend and I had decided to bring him out to the archipelago to show what Stockholm has to offer in the summer. We had such a good lunch and he was sharing his dream with me and how he wants to pursue it after going home. I remember being so excited that he is going to pursue his passion. There’s so much to this picture, and is my favorite picture of all. I am so glad my Narrative Clip caught it.

What’s your story?

P.S. Do you know the way you wear your Clip determines the orientation of your picture? Learn more here!