We. Are. Shipping.

Introducing: The Memoto Lifelogging Camera

Hello friends!

Okay, so we’re pretty stoked over here. As you know, we’ve been in production for a while now and today it’s actually happening! The first Narrative Clip units are on their way to you! Yes, that’s true: they’ve been assembled, tested, packed and shipped!

Here’s the last photo taken of our babies before they left on their long journey:


These are on their way to the very first backers!

For the rest, here’s what’s happening now.

Some background first. The three main reasons why we have been delayed with the mass production of Narrative Clip have been:

  1. A quality issue with the printed circuit boards (PCBs)
  2. A quality issue with the camera modules, causing a bit low yield
  3. Trouble with fine-tuning the plastic mix for some of the Clip colors, in order to retain both strength and color fidelity

The color issue is now considered solved and shouldn’t pose an obstacle to production.

We have also put some pressure on the suppliers and are receiving new batches of components of a more consistent quality. With these new components, we have built the first mass-produced batch of Narrative Clips which are the ones now being shipped.

However, with yields still being low – and thus the production line still too insecure and expensive – we have decided to replace the suppliers of PCBs and camera modules. It will take two weeks or so to get the components from the new suppliers over to our factory. In the meantime, we have enough components in stock to continue producing a few more small batches, which we will ship as fast as humanly possible. Still, the production pace is not at all as high as we would like and we will have to push the shipping date for some of you back further. Check back in on http://shipping.getnarrative.com/ to find out about your personal estimates. (Please note that the changes are not reflected at the time of writing, but we’re working on updating them as soon as possible.)

SEE ALSO:  Memoto is one of eight finalists at SXSW!

baby narratives linus

The best news here are that we are now on track for mass production. From here on it’s full speed ahead to getting Narrative Clips to all you fantastic Kickstarter backers and pre-order people.

The entire Narrative Team is on its toes to make this happen. Don’t forget to reach out to support.getnarrative.com with any question or comment you have. We love you all. Interested in knowing when your clip will ship? Check your order status!


Narrative Team