Meet Memoto in Japan!
Two members of the team, Sarah and Jenny, will be in Tokyo the first week of October to represent Memoto at the Innovative Sweden Exhibition opening.
“The exhibition gives a glimpse of innovations from Sweden today from start-up companies that may become the leading Swedish corporations of tomorrow. The exhibition is complemented by an extensive program of presentations, seminars, workshops, keynotes and media, tailored to each city and country.”
Currently moving from Berlin, the Exhibition’s opening day is October 2nd. If you’re in Tokyo and curious about Sweden and some of the wonderfully innovative ideas that have come from it, please stop by the Miraikan museum and have a look around.
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I’ve not heard from you, in a very long time.
Are you scamming me?
Delay, after delay, AFTER DELAY…
When are you going to ship me, my Memento camera?
Hi! Yes, we know the delays are very frustrating. We want the camera to be in your hands as much as you do and we’re working hard to make sure you receive the quality product you’re expecting. Thanks for sticking with us! We should have some good news coming your way before long. Best, SM
Relax and let them finalize it. Take your time and get it right
Real Memoto-Camera Is it possible to see there(at Miraikan Museum)?
What ever happened to this? Is there a video of them presenting memoto?
Hi Nick, I don’t think there has been any video released from the presentation at the Swedish Embassy as of yet. The exhibition is up and available for viewing at the Miraikan Museum. Best, SM