Tracking something about yourself? You’re not alone.
What’s your modern day biography look like? 8,000 average daily steps? Perhaps, last night’s sleep garnered 74% efficiency rating and the day before you spent 2.3 hours commuting. As we start tracking all kinds of things about ourselves, does the subsequent data make us see things in a new light? Is it helpful? Especially when it involves trying to quantify things like emotions. Read on to find out what others are tracking and how their doing it. What do you track? What do you want to track?
Read more: The Body-Data craze
Quantified self and your data
Great interview with Ernesto Ramirez, who is featured in the documentary, Lifeloggers, about the future of quantified self and privacy issues that come with handling personal data.
The future of our data 
So what’s one to do with all this data we are collecting about ourselves? Intel has something say about it, “one narrative constructed to exemplify this is that of a glossy middle-class thirtysomething woman, whose personal device deduces from her existing music collection that she would like another band that’s coming to town, and proactively buys tickets for a forthcoming gig – calculating that the tickets are already selling like hot cakes, so if she isn’t pleased with the decision to snap them up, those tickets will find a willing buyer.” Pretty interesting but also perplexing idea. Who’s ready for an automatically planned social calendar?
Read More: Wearable tech: why Intel thinks we should own our data
Trouble deciding between an activity tracking bracelet? Look no further
Tech writer David Pogue compares Jawbone’s Up band and Fitbit’s Flex. For anyone looking to get into self-tracking, it is fast becoming an daunting task as more and more quantifying products come to market. Since we read a lot of wearable tech reviews around here, we can say that this is a pretty good one. Let us know which activity trackers you’re using in the comments.
Read more: Wearable devices nudge you to health
Connected devices for a better world?
Want your devices to understand your needs and work together to meet them because soon they will. Jennifer Healey spoke about the internet of things at the recent Intel conference. See the article below explaining how integration of smart devices needs to be just right. Until the video and transcripts of the Intel conference talk are released, here is a Ted Talk Jennifer gave this spring where she explains how connected cars could eliminate accidents.
What do you think about our future of connected devices? Really exciting or too much.
Read more: Why the internet of things has to be not too smart and not too dumb
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