Memoto on Pinterest – Come pin away with us!

Memoto on Pinterest – Come pin away with us!


We love being part of the lifelogging, quantified self and wearable technology movements. As a matter of fact, every week we publish a list of the most awesome stuff we see from our friends and fellow makers.  And in order to keep the sanity and always remember what and where we read things, we started using Pinterest.

So yes, it’s confession time: we’ve been so hooked on Pinterest that we need a Pintervention. In our latest addiction, we have started gathering and building up a knowledge base around these movements.

If you’re in the same boat as us, we want you to join forces with us to make the biggest, most awesome knowledge centre in these fields – and use pinterest for that.

Here’s how we can be allies. We have created two collaborative boards as a start – “In the Quantified Self” and “Uncover Wearable Tech”. We would like for you to hop on our boards, pin away and show the world what’s happening in these areas!

How to pin on these boards?

  1. Follow us on Pinterest and give us some time to follow your boards too!
  2. Once we’ve followed you, tag us @Memototeam on a pin you’ve found interesting and relevant to these boards and hashtag #quantifiedself or #wearabletech
  3. We will invite you to come pin away with us!

We’re extremely excited to pin with you guys! Stay tuned for more!