Memoto’s CEO to speak at the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society

Memoto's CEO to speak at the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society 2


Memoto’s CEO, Martin Källström, will be a plenary speaker at the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS13). This year’s conference is about “everything smart– smart grids, smart infrastructure, smart homes, smart cars, and smart appliances but also smart people” and will be held in Toronto, Canada, June 27-29, 2013.

The growth of this segment of “smart people” or those who wear sensors is increasing as smart accessories find their way into all aspects of one’s life. There are many implications for these developments, like the impact of having ultra precise intelligence will have on decision making. Alexander Hayes, a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Wollongong and the publicity chair of the ISTAS13, points out that,

people wearing sensors (e.g. monitoring temperature, physiological characteristics), location data loggers, microphones, cameras, tokens, and other wearable and embeddable systems can see direct benefits for a host of applications including health and well-being, emergencies, convenience, and care-oriented solutions. However, these emerging technologies and applications have the potential to become controlling applications because they are used to make decisions, generate alerts, log employee movements etc. There are great socio-ethical implications that will stem from these technologies and fresh regulatory and legislative approaches are required to deal with this new environment.

The importance of exploring the implications of wearable technology is critical for many people, as it can and will impact those who are not using it. Associate Professor and ISTAS13 program chair, Katina Michael asks on the conference’s website: “Are we ready for this explosion in personal recording devices that log the world around us?” This and many other questions pertaining to living in a smart world will be explored. Martin will be sharing with the conference how the Memoto Lifelogging Camera came to market and what Memoto has learned about the impact our tiny, wearable camera has had on the world so far. He will be in good company with some of the world’s leading researchers and innovators including Steve Mann and Gordon Bell.

SEE ALSO:  The Design Story: Interview with Per Brickstad from People People

If you’re interested in learning more about ISTAS13 please visit the site,

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