This summer, Memoto sent two film students around the world to find out what lifelogging is. See the trailer!

Shipment date, new partners and farewell to a name we love 1

The end of our campaign is near and we are planning on going out with a bang! The stories surrounding Memoto are abundant, from idea conception to solving design and engineering challenges we’d really like to offer you all full transparency into what we do. So, let’s get started!

A lot of you might already be well acquainted with the lifelogging concept; you are early backers of a lifelogging camera after all. But lifelogging is a new idea for a lot of people. In order to fully explore what the phenomenon is today and how it will affect us in the future, Memoto commissioned two film students to travel the globe in search of answers.

Now they are editing their material into a film… and here’s the trailer!

“We were asked by Memoto if we wanted to go around the world and interview people doing this “lifelogging” thing. We had no idea what that was, but it felt like something we wanted to find out more about,” said Amanda Alm, who together with her classmate, Victor Bloom, has been working on the documentary since last summer.

The filming of the documentary, Lifeloggers, started in July 2012 and sent Amanda and Victor on a complete journey around the world: from Stockholm via Copenhagen, Beirut, Berlin, London, Southampton, Cambridge, Oxford, Boston, New York, Toronto, Victoria, Portland, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, New Taipei and Tokyo before they landed back home in Stockholm six weeks later.

The film will be distributed for free over the Internet later this winter. Our aspiration in making this film is for it to be a unifying force for the growing lifelogging movement; something to refer to when discussing the term and perhaps a historical record of what the most progressive thinkers thought of the future in 2012.

SEE ALSO:  London calling

Today, we are excited to give you a glimpse of Lifeloggers via the trailer above!

Please share the trailer forward by posting it on Facebook and Twitter! The direct link is