This week in lifelogging: personal analytics for Facebook and how not to measure happiness

This week in lifelogging: personal analytics for Facebook and how not to measure happiness

Personal analytics for Facebook

Wolfram Alpha is not only a hyper intelligent search engine. As of this week, it also offers a tool for analyzing your Facebook account. All you have to do to take power of the data your Facebook account stores (and triggers) is to pop over to the Wolfram Alpha website and type in “facebook report”.

I think Lifehacker summarizes the feel of it: “incredibly interesting, super geeky, and downright scary.”

What do you think?

This is what a Facebook Report look like, if you’re Stephen Wolfram, founder of Wolfram Alpha:

Wolfram Alpha’s founder Stephen Wolfram’s own Facebook Report

Evertale pivot – new focus on friends’ collaborative photo albums

As much as we liked Evertale’s previous mission – to syndicate all your digital footprints in a nice looking stream – I’m curious to start using their new app that was released this week. The new iPhone app, still named Evertale, helps you gather photos taken with your friends when you were together, into one private album. The problem this solves is one we’re all to familiar with: you’re at a party or on vacation with your closest friends and even though everyone is snapping photos you end up with only the ones where you are behind the camera…

Congratulations to Sam and the team at Evertale for a nicely done pivot and good luck with the new app!

(By the way, that first mission – the syndicate-your-digital-footprints one – is being nicely solved by Memolane, another great lifelogging service. Recommended.)

SEE ALSO:  This week in lifelogging: can we manage the data we find?

How not to measure happiness

The personal analytics experimental blog Measured Me has found a serious flaw in most happiness analytics: you don’t measure your present time happiness (typically varying from day to day) but your overall satisfaction with your life (typically the same over time).

“Happiness” when actaully measuring overall satisfaction

“Happiness” when weighing in more parameters

An introduction to lifelogging as of today

I’d like to sum up with a link to a plain, but smart and very well-written, blog post by Gareth Spence who’s with the blog Technically Speaking. The post is basically a description of lifelogging’s position today, based on Gareth’s own experiences. Go check it out: The Personal Data Logging Explosion.


All for now, have a great weekend!