Weekly wrap-up

Shipment date, new partners and farewell to a name we love 1

This week’s weekly comments on lifelogging are not only somewhat late, but a bit shorter than usual. The reason for the delay being an extremely eventful week here at Memoto (which we’ll tell more about later on) and the reason for the shorter format being, we guess, summer holidays kicking in. Nevertheless, here’s what we’ve found in the world of lifelogging and quantified self this week.

“Quick Tip: Remember Everything You See on the Web”

Evernote Web Clipper is said to make you remember everything you see on the web. The way we understand it, Web Clipper can be described as a hybrid of Archify and Delicious. In this blog post, Evernote shares some tips and tricks on how to use the service.

“The advent of smart clothing (and why it’s not quite there yet)”

Withings takes a look at what is presumed to be “the next logical step for self-tracking devices” in the Quantified Self movement: smart clothing. As noticed in the blog post, however, the technology isn’t quite there yet. Or more correctly, the technology might be there, but ways of integrating it in your clothes without making you look like a cyborg isn’t…

“Within 20 years no doctors needed”

At TEDxBrainport, marketer and Dutch Ambassador at Singularity University Yuri van Geest, gave a speech on “Making the invisible visible”. He describes how we, during the latest decade, have moved and will continue moving what we measure and talk about from the outside world to our inside worlds (our bodies). With the Quantified Self movement placed on a timeline with blogs (Typepad), photos (Flickr) and video (Youtube) before it, representing the outside world, and smart cities and  commoditized DNA and neuro science in the future, van Geest shows how the connection of our outside and inside worlds will make doctors obsolete in 20 years time. Sounds confusing? Take a look at the speech here.

SEE ALSO:  This week in lifelogging: sharing our lives with wearable tech, Owlet Baby Monitor and Sesame Ring


(Clip found at Future Primate)

Coming up from Memoto

So last but not least we’d like to push a bit for our summer project. Starting next week, a film team from Memoto will tour the world (literally!) to meet people involved in lifelogging and the Quantified Self movement. The idea is to listen to entrepreneurs, innovators, scientists and users what they think about how lifelogging and quantified self affects our lives today and what it will mean in the future. The interviews and the story of the trip will be edited into a documentary film, hopefully released later this fall.

The team, Amanda and Ville, will be blogging here at the Memoto blog and tweet about their trip along their way. Follow the blog and @memototeam at Twitter to see what their up to and when they come and visit your city!