Perfect Gifts for the Whole Family

A family may consist of 2 parents and 2 kids, or it maybe a family of 5 cats, 2 dogs and a dad, or 4 kids and a parent. Whatever your family looks like – we’ve found some gifts that will make everyone happy!

Flic Button

This smart button has so many use cases that it’s hard to count. How about being able to send your family your current location on your way home, just with the click of a button. Turn off all lights in your connected home, play music, turn off the TV in the kitchen from your bed by the end of the day – all with the click of a button! Easy family living is here with the release of this very smart button.


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You can print images on magnets or other on cool stuff right from your Instagram and Facebook accounts. It makes for the perfect gift that will keep the family remembering many fun times shared! The process is easy, you can connect to your Instagram account, Facebook, or your computer’s hard drive straight from the Sticky9 website; just pick your favorites and order. And shipping is free, worldwide!


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GPS Tracker

Let kids and pets roam more freely by attaching a neat little tracker to their clothing or collar. This way, if you ever get worried, you  just open the app that connects with the Trax tracker to see where your little one is in real time.


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This is the perfect device for keeping track of, play with, and even talk to your pet while you’re away from home. The device films your pet and lets you, or anyone else in the family that has the app installed on their smartphone, play with the pet by remotely moving a laser beam around the room for the pet to chase and catch. You can also tell your doggie to stop chewing on your shoe by talking into your phone’s microphone!

SEE ALSO:  The best Narrative in-app feature to help inspire you


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Plant Pot Monitor

Taking care of a family, any shape or size, is hard work, and it’s easy to forget the plants. With a Flower Power device stuck in your most beloved plant, you won’t need to worry. You’ll get notifications via the app that tells you when it’s time to water, or to make sure the plant gets more light or fertilizer. Happy plants and happy family!


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Snack Subscription

Gift your own family, or a family you know, with a monthly subscription of snacks to keep everyone’s blood sugar levels steady without having to run to the store.


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Pettag + aims to help you raise a happier and healthier dog. The tag and app help you tailor things like food and exercise. You can have several caretakers connected to one tag; this way everyone in the family, along with your dog walker, keep up with the state of you furry family member to give the best possible care, at all times.


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… And Something to Capture all the Family Fun

Pre-order a Narrative Clip 2 for collecting memories all year long. Capture your baby’s first steps on video, place the Clip on the picnic basket this summer, or bring it to record your kids first soccer goal. There is so much family fun to be re-lived through your Moments collection in the Narrative Apps!

Or, you can spread joy by entering the Narrative #CaptureJoy competition for a chance to win Clip 2 for you AND your friend! Learn more and enter the #CaptureJoy competition here.