Meet the team: Maja


Location: Stockholm

Twitter handle: @majawilhelm

What do you do at Narrative? I’m the company lawyer, which means I work with everything from the practicalities of investments to making sure we give our Community nice terms that are also wise from a business perspective. I like to describe my job in three parts. The first part is working with the company itself, that is to say our shareholders, investments, global expansion etc. The second part involves our product, for instance distribution agreements and trademarks. The third involves our employees and day-to-day routines at Narrative, where I work a lot with our HR-department with benefits and policies.

What’s one thing we should know about you? I’m an endorphine junkie who’s really into endurance-sports and general outdoorishness. Talk to me about long-distance running, hiking or cross-country skiing and watch me light up.

What book have you recently finished, or are currently reading?  I’m tandem-reading two books: a Swedish pop-psychology book called ”Självmedkänsla” (self-compassion) by Agneta Lagercrantz and Red Seas under Red Skies by Scott Lynch.

Favorite non-work-related website: It’s a toss-up between Netflix, HBO and the website of whichever race I’m currently planning on running.

What did you want to be as a child? Around age 5 I was set on becoming a seamstress. I do quite a lot of handicraft for a hobby, some sewing but mainly knitting, so in a sense I guess it actually happened.

Best advice you have ever received: ”You don’t have to be so capable all the time.”

Favorite Quote: ”A red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night.” This is Legolas in ”The Two Towers” and probably merits some explanation.
First of all: I’m a nerd. Second, my friends and I had this marathon a few years ago when we saw all three Lord of the Rings-movies in a row. It was the extended versions, which totals around 12 h of movies, and after a while we sort of got hung up on how some lines were delivered. This is something we end up referencing every now and then when we meet and it reminds me of some great moments we have shared.

SEE ALSO:  Meet Narrative: Sebastian Björkelid

Moment you would like to relive: July 10th 2004. That was the day I met my fiancé and I did NOT pay enough attention to it.