My Special Clip Capture

Narrative Special Clip Captures

Every Narrative Clip user has that special one or a few Clip photos that are just perfect and precious to them. The photo might not be very spectacular or extravagant – however, it is a photo that captured a moment that mattered, and viewing this photo makes you relive the feeling you felt that moment, over and over again.

We want to let our users  share these special moments with other community members, and for users to get inspired by one another. Therefore, we decided to start a series which we call My Special Clip Capture. For a chance to be featured on our blog, you can send us your Special Clip Capture here!

Narrative Clip user Thomas Alan is an American living and working abroad in Okinawa, Japan. Thomas, a professional photographer, wear his Clip both while working and outside off the job. We are very happy that Thomas wants to showcase a few of his Special Clip Captures here on our blog.

Thomas’ Special Clip Capture

Thomas AlanOkinawa, Japan

“We took my daughter for her first consultation for braces at the Orthodontist recently. The office manager was explaining to us the different types of braces available. Images of scenes like this are exactly why I love this little wearable camera. I would have never taken this shot, especially since I was too busy listening to what she had to say, and how much it was going to cost. My Narrative Clip captured this without me even realizing it, and in turn created a funny image to go along with the memory of my daughter getting braces.” – Thomas Alan

SEE ALSO:  Capturing the unexpected with Alvin Campaña

…And a Couple of Bonus Captures

Thomas has so many great Clip photos that it is hard to feature just one of his Special Clip Captures. Therefore, here are two bonus captures we felt we just could not keep from our Narrative community:

Nago BeachNago Beach, Okinawa, Japan

“The dogs in this images had so much fun running up and down the beach. It makes me smile each time I see this shot.” – Thomas Alan


MaedaCape Maeda, Okinawa, Japan

“I love the serenity of this scene” – Thomas Alan

More from Thomas

We are sure that you agree that Thomas’ Special Clip Captures are amazing, and for more of this good stuff you can check out Thomas’ Blog, Instagram, or Tumblr! It’s pretty amazing, and we encourage you to swing by one of his online spaces to get inspired!

And don’t forget to submit your own Special Clip Capture.