Becs’ Amazing Wedding Day

Becs at her wedding in norfolk UK

A Very Special Wedding

Here at Narrative, we love it when our community shares their stories with us. Just recently, we got in touch with a woman named Becs, who shared some truly amazing Clip photos from her wedding with us.

Becs gave her fiance, Chris, a Narrative Clip as a Groom’s gift. Chris wore his Clip all day long; from the time he was getting ready, during the ceremony, and all through the party at night. The result, Becs says, was great:

The best bit is capturing people completely natural and unguarded!


The wedding was held in Sennowe Park in Norfolk, U.K. at an estate that holds the family farmlands. Becs’ family has been farming this land for over 100 years, and naturally, having the wedding here had special meaning to Becs and her family. The ceremony itself, performed by Becs’ mother, was held at the orangery, which is a beautiful and blooming winter garden, and the party following was held outside on the family lands – with a festival feeling!

Becs tells us that she and her now-husband Chris always knew that they wanted a wedding that had a festival feel to it. when time came to plan the wedding, they rented a tipi tent to host the party in, as well as a bunch of award-winning food trucks, in order to treat their guests to a good and relaxed time while listening to live music. Here at Narrative we are blown away with this beautiful and fun concept!

Once in a Lifetime Photos

Chris, the lucky groom, shares one his highlights from the Clip with us:

“Capturing Becs during the ceremony when we were saying our vows”

The Bride when saying vows


SEE ALSO:  Special Clip Captures by the Narrative Community #3

Becs tells us a funny story of hers from the wedding, which the Clip perfectly captured:

“Since it was a non-religious ceremony, but we wanted to sing a song, we sang The Beatles “When I’m 64” but there’s a bit which is quite hard to sing, so my friend Nick who played the guitar went “Stop stop stop, shall we do that bit again?” and everyone laughed. It’s captured here”

singing When I'm 64, at the ceremony


This is Becs’ and Chris’ absolute Favorite; the Clip caught the action right after the ceremony, when the newlyweds got showered in confetti!

bride and groom showered in confetti


Here are some more amazing photos, that we just LOVE here at Narrative:

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We are so happy that Becs wanted to share the Clip photos from her special day with us. And if you are curious to see more of the good times that Becs and her friends and family had at the wedding, you can view the full album, stuffed with great Narrative Clip captures, right here. Thank you Becs!

We love to see all the fun times that the Narrative Community is up to. So get together, go out, have loads of fun, and keep up the amazingness!