A Narrative Team Midsummer

A Narrative Team Midsummer  6

Like most people in Sweden, the Narrative Team celebrated midsummer this past weekend. There was a lot of herring and potatoes, dancing and questionable weather, as there should be. Anyone unfamiliar with the celebration and wondering what’s going on in these shots captured by various team members’ Clips should check out the video at the end of the post for a thoroughly humorous explanation!

The Midsummer Crown



Midsummer Lunch


Integral Part of Midsummer Lunch

midsommar snaps

Dancing around the Midsummer Pole



Game Time! Kubb, anyone?


midsummer klubb

Midsummer for Dummies

Credit: http://sweden.se/traditions/midsummer/

What kind of festivals and celebrations have you captured with your Narrative Clip?