This week in lifelogging: Motorola’s electronic tattoo, lifelogger Rupert Murdoch and tracking in your sleep

This week in lifelogging: Motorola's electronic tattoo, lifelogger Rupert Murdoch and tracking in your sleep

Motorola patents an electronic skin tattoo

We know how lifelogging devices are getting increasingly small. And we know how people are also getting increasingly bold with lifelogging, even to the extent of inserting computer chips into their own body without anesthetic nor a doctor. Now, what if lifelogging was taken a step further and seamlessly integrated onto one’s body through a thin electronic skin tattoo? In the picture above, we see a newly patented electronic skin tattoo, which is registered by Motorola, now owned by Google. This electronic tattoo can be worn on a person’s neck, and would function as a mobile microphone, lie detector and digital display. Although limited to these functions for now, Motorola could probably convert such tattoos to allow self-tracking of certain vital signs, should they choose to do so. Most things are not impossible with the speed at which technology is advancing right now. However, one question remains: is this taking lifelogging a step too far?

Read more: Motorola wants to tattoo a smartphone receiver on your neck and Technology gets skintight

Rupert Murdoch begins lifelogging

Joining the family of lifeloggers recently is Mr. Rupert Murdoch, founder of News Corporation and its successors, News Corp and 21st Century Fox, after the former split earlier this year. His choice of lifelogging device? The Jawbone UP. This stylish wristband tracks one’s sleep, movement and eating behaviors. According to an interview with him, Mr. Rupert Murdoch says that the Jawbone UP “allows me to track and maintain my health much better. It allows my family and I to know more about one another’s health too, which means it encourages more personal and social responsibility – instead of just running to the doctor when we don’t feel well.” Perhaps this marks a shift in the way we define medical technology? We are definitely looking forward to more “big names” embracing such lifelogging devices!

SEE ALSO:  Guest post: I, Cyborg

Read more: Rupert Murdoch tracking his own movements with wearable computing

The ultimate quantified self device

The redistribution of information from doctors to patients can prove to be very useful. According to researchers at the University of Southern California, heart patients who have implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) in them already have the best quantified self device that anyone can have. More than other wearable tech devices, ICDs are able to measure a wide range of health data, including but not limited to activity levels, heart rates, blood pressure and sleep patterns. Although ICDs presently measure these vital signs, precious information are often withheld because only the doctors have the experience and knowledge to decode such complicated information. However, what a collaboration between Karten Design, Boston Scientific, and the USC Center for Body Computing hopes to achieve, is to boil down such information so that everyone who has an ICD in them can comprehend these information and manage their own health better. Indeed, as Gary Wolf says, “The self is just our operation center, our consciousness, our moral compass. So, if we want to act more effectively in the world, we have to get to know ourselves.” We should be taking ownership of the tremendous amount of data that our bodies produce every day, shouldn’t we?

Read more: The Ultimate Quantified-Self Device Already Exists: A Defibrillator

Sleeping and still tracking

Had your full 8 hours of sleep but still yawning the minute you wake up? These sleep trackers could be of some help to you if you still can’t figure out the reason for your constant fatigue after countless Google searches or doctor’s visits. And if self tracking is not your kind of thing because you find that it is a huge hassle, a new European startup is also striving to keep this process as hassle-free and convenient as possible. Known as Bedscales, this new product wants to be your new way of effortlessly keeping track of your weight and sleep, allowing you to say goodbye to the wires, straps and wristbands. Simply slide the devices beneath the legs of your bed and do the thing we all love to do – sleep. Bedscales then tracks and analyzes your sleeping behaviors in an easy way that you can process. Interested to make Bedscales a reality? Support them at their Kickstarter campaign today!

SEE ALSO:  This week in lifelogging: beauty technology, finance tracking and photography projects

Read more: Bedscales pitches a weight-monitoring device that works while you sleep

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