Canada part 2

Canada part 2

US-custom, a quantified dog and Queen Elisabeth

So transitting is not always as smooth as one would wish.

Next destination was Victoria but to get there we had to leave Canada, go through Chicago and Seattle and then enter Canada again. Messy? Even the US customs were confused. And what is the root to all of our airport problems?

The damn Carnet (the paper of our camera equipment with we have to show in every custom when we enter/leave a new country)

Well, after a lot of questions/explanations, running, more explanations and more running – we made it through customs and to the gate. – And the flight is delayed, there were really no need for the running.

So Dave Asprey invited us to his home, and what a beautiful home! We got to meet his kids, his swedish wife (so weird to hear swedish again) and their quantified dog. Apparently he used to be overweight but thanks to QS and raw meet he’s all better. Probably the first QS-dog I’ve ever met but he seemed like a happy dog. We drank some Bulletproof coffee, I enhanced my concentration level, increased my IQ (at least I’d like to think those few minutes with Dave’s devices made some improvement) and I got a good vibrating work-out. Busy day at Dave’s. Infact, that’s how every day is for him. But he wouldn’t call it busy, he would say efficient. Even if he has a full-time job and all theese sideprojects, he stil have time to hang out with his family and just relax. I wonder if his favourite quote is Carpe Diem?

SEE ALSO:  London sum-up

We had a day off in Victoria (wich usaly equals time for emailing, research and logging) so this day we decided to pretend to be tourists and went to the Royal BC Museum. They had an exhibition on Queen Elisabeth and you could read and see photos from her life up until today. The exhibit continued into the next room with items typical of each decade from the 20th century. Is not this also a form of lifelogging? Does it count if your logging someone elses life?


P.s Ville is asleep and can not be reached for comments







