Memoto comments: This week in lifelogging

Shipment date, new partners and farewell to a name we love 1

Friday and time for Memoto’s weekly summary of the best and brightest in this week of the lifelogging world. Last week’s post was the first one of the kind for us, making this the second (eh!) and the beginning of a habit, right? Anyhow, this week’s all about other fellow lifelogging startups, beginning with our friends over att Memolane.

“Goodbye Old Friends, Hello Facebook Friends”

“The wait is over! We said sayonara to our “friends” and upgraded to yours. Starting today you can create stories on Memolane with your Facebook friends. Now reliving your favorite adventures together is incredibly easy. All you have to do is invite your friends.”

Hooray! Memolane just got even better! Congratz and thank you, all at the same time! If you haven’t checked out Memolane yet – do so. It’s a really cool and neat way of storing, visualizing and sharing your memories. Check out the full post here.

“From MIT’s blackjack team to the quantified self: Jeff Ma’s new startup TenXer”

“TenXer, launched last week, is already Ma’s fourth startup. In the late 1990s he helped start Golfspan, which helped golf players improve their game via video instruction. Then in the early 2000s Ma was the CTO of Circle Lending, an early peer-to-peer microfinance play.”

A new star is born in the lifelogging galaxy: TenXer. (The name corresponding, we guess, to how much more productive/efficient you’ll be with the help of this service.) Jeff Ma is an experienced entrepreneur and it will be interesting to see what his new company can do for our working habits. Will the constant competing with yourself increase the pressure to produce? Or will the better tracking and progress reviewing give us more peace of mind in knowing we’ll doing alright already? Read more about TenXer here. Read the full story on Venture Beat here.

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“Evernote Quick Tip – Building a Business Card Database with Evernote Hello”

Evernote shares a few tricks on how to make the most of their app Evernote Hello. The app for “remembering people, you’ll never forget who you met, where you were and who else was with you”. And, apparently, create a whole little database of business cards. This is how you do it:

“After you’ve created a new encounter, and added contact information manually or with the new LinkedIn integration, snap a photo of the person’s business card. It will automatically be associated with the encounter and live alongside all of the other useful information you’ve captured.”

We think it sounds terrific. But go to Evernote’s blog and see for yourself.

A few words from Withings 

Withings give us two packages of handy tips this week. The first one being reviews of a couple of different applications that gamifies your exercise. The apps tested are Gym-Pact, Nexercise and Earndit, all of which have it in common that they reward you not with badges or leaderboard ranknings but with real, physical awards like cash and coupons. We like it. Check out Withings full post.  

Withings also give us a a few notes and comments on this month’s news in connected health. Great summary – check it out here.

Last but not least

Memoto is producing a documentary film about lifelogging and the quantified self movement. We’re on the lookout for people and startups willing to share their view of lifelogging and their vision of the future. Our film team will be touring the world (literally!) during the summer, so if you got a time and a thought to spare, let us know! Email us at hello [at] or send a tweet to @memototeam. It’s going to be fun.

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