Taking off with TechPilots

Tech Pilots is a 1 year-program consisting of 9 Swedish cutting edge technology companies and 10 talents. The companies and the talents will meet 4 times during the year, starting in August 2015. The talents’ task is to follow the companies’ development progress and their products for one year. They will test the products, share their experiences and provide the companies with their opinion about the selected products. The process is exposed at techpilots.se in an innovative and creative way in order to reach out to the public.

Narrative is one of the 10 companies and we are so glad to take off on this journey with our two pilots:


Max M Mohammadi

Max is rank 4th at ”Top 100 Rising Potentials in Sweden”, is the winner of ”Global Innovation Award”, ”Best Inventor 2014” and National ”Leader of the Year”. He has studied innovation and entrepreneurship at KTH in Stockholm and has several patents.


Anna Henningsson

Anna was awarded IT-girl of the Year 2015 by Microsoft. She studies Computer Science/Engineer at Umeå University and is currently doing her internship as a developer at Cinnober. Anna loves new technology and was a part of the Sweden Robot Hack Jury.

Max has already started his blogging about his first impression of  Narrative http://techpilots.se/a-true-photographic-memory-with-narrative/

Welcome guys!

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