Canada part 1

Yes that’s right, we’re in the part 2 city right now but we thought we would fill you in on part 1 first.

So we left New York and took a yellow cab to J.F.K. Everything was moving along smoothly, even customs. We got on the plane and to our surprise we had the front row seats witch means extra legroom. Well lucky us cause next thing we know it’s lightening and thunder around us and the plane was stuck on the runway for 2 hours – fun!

Well eventually the plane took of and we ended up “only” 45min late for our interview with Steve Mann. What a fascinating man. He taught us yet another term; Lifeglogging. According to him, lifelogging is when you keep some kind of journal while glogging (cyborg logging) is recording what you see with a camera or in Steve’s case: EyeTap. I got to do a little glogging my self when his students demonstrated one of their many projects in the Engineering Annex at University of Toronto


After getting a taste of future technology we met Sasha Chua and Alan Mayer who know each other from the Toronto QS-meet ups. They, like journalist John from New York, call themselves proud geeks. Sacha even got it on her business card. Later we had dinner with another member of their QS community, Nicholas Manolakos. He’s a broad range tracker and has been tracking everything from food, books, places he been and people he met. But he keeps his data to himself and for self use only. That’s why he won’t call himself a lifelogger since he believes a lifelogger shares the data. I didn’t ask him or Sacha and Alan if either of them glog though.

SEE ALSO:  This week in lifelogging: the miserable, the lovers and the haters

Do I count as a glogger when I’m Instagramming?

/Amanda P.s. Ville saw a spider today and can not be reached for comments during recovery.


