Memoto comments: This week in lifelogging

Shipment date, new partners and farewell to a name we love 1

The Drivecam

Jim Gemmel, a researcher at Microsoft, found this handy camera when going in a limousine the other day. When the camera senses something unusal going on inside or outside the car, it records the event and save it in the cloud. This is supposed to improve traffic safety, lower fuel consumption and reduce insurance frauds.

Sounds like an equally cool and useful device!

“Stefan Heeke on Using Analytics for Personal Improvement”

In a blog post a few weeks ago, we mentioned that on the NY QS Meetup, Stefan Heeke had held a speech about how he used personal analytics to help a losing Soccer team. It aroused our curiousity and this week,, released a video of the speech. 

This should be a Ted talk! Spending the 10 minutes on it is at least well invested time. (Too bad our favorite soccer team Sweden is already eliminated from the Euro 2012 Soccer Championship… )

“Lift, the stealthy startup backed by Twitter founders, prepares for August launch”

VentureBeat tells us about Lift, an upon-till-now stealth startup backed by co-founders from Twitter. Lift is designed to motivate you to achive your goals – any goals! – by “unlocking human potential”, as the company mission states. One would think that equals some sort of gamification elements, but instead the app (because it is, of course, an app) uses feedback loops of visualized progress and the support of others to keep people motivated.

Lift’s app will be released in August. We look forward to it and recommend this blog post from Lift’s own blog to get you up to date on the progress of the company itself.

SEE ALSO:  This week in lifelogging: photography and memory, Glass updates and QS with lifelogging

“15 new apps you can integrate with RunKeeper”

Runkeeper reveals a few new apps that are now integrated with RunKeeper’s API. Among them, our mutual friends at ShapeUpClub.

Did you know, byt the wya, that ShapeUpClub was one of the earliest Quantified Self Iphone apps that is still going strong and improving? Check it out!

“Announcing a new name & new free service: Cue”

Lifelogging startup Greplin changes its’ name to Cue and at the same time launches a brand new service. New Cue will, according to their blog:

  • “Turn your email, contacts and calendar into an intelligent snapshot of your day.”
  • “Enhance your calendar by automatically connecting related emails, phone numbers, and addresses.”
  • “Let you change or cancel reservations, check into flights, track the arrival of packages, or text friends that you are running late with just a few taps”
  • “Show up-to-date contact info alongside recent communications and the contact’s latest posts on Facebook and Twitter.”

We liked Greplin to start with but Cue sure looks even nicer!

“Garmin Connect: Two billion reasons to celebrate an active lifestyle!”

And  a little celebration: this week Garmin users around the world passed the 2 billion milestone of covered miles. Congratulations Garmin users!

“QS Conference Program Released”

We’ve saved the best for last: the program for the 2012 QS conference has been released! Check it out here and make sure to get your ticket for September!