5 top blogs on lifelogging

5 top blogs on lifelogging

We try our best in making this blog an interesting centre for lifelogging. In doing so, we obviously follow and read a lot of blogs on the topics of lifelogging, quantified self and personal analytics and thought it would be a good idea to share some of our top-reads. So here’s the list: 5 blogs on lifelogging you shouldn’t miss!

1. Feltron.com

Image of Feltron 2010/2011 Biennial Report

The king of lifelogging, Nicholas Felton, publishes his “Annual Report” which “weaves numerous measurements into a tapestry of graphs, maps and statistics that reflect the year’s activities.” His activities, that is. And believe us, the data is extensive! The reports are a must-read for lifeloggers and so is his homepage. Did we mention that Mr. Felton is also the founder of lifelogging startup Daytum as well as a product designer at Facebook?

2. Lifestreamblog.com

Lifestreamblog.com serves you a nice dish of collected updates on lifelogging news, apps and services. Follow the blog to stay on top of the lifelogging world!

3. Quantifiedself.com

The beacon no. 1 for the quantified self-part of lifelogging. Quantifiedself.com is a blog and a community for researchers and entrepreneurs to gather and share knowledge and experiences of the fine art of creating “self knowledge through numbers”. The people behind the site also arrange, and help others arranging, quantified self meetings around the world. Once a year, they throw the Quantified Self Conference in Palo Alto, where users, innovators, scientists and media gather.

4. The Bulletproof Executive

Dave Asprey takes lifelogging to its furthest extent. Instead of simply logging his life, Mr. Asprey uses his personal analytics to “biohack” himself. He claims to have increased his life length with 20 years and increased his IQ with 40. Believe it or not, follow his continued pursuit of being “bulletproof” on his homepage and blog.

SEE ALSO:  The Editing of Lifeloggers: Julian Antell

5. Steve Mann

Last but most definitely not least, anyone interested in learning more about the history and future of lifelogging and lifelogging devices must not miss the founding father of the entire lifelogging field: Steve Mann. Mr. Mann was a true pioneer in developing wearable cameras for logging his life in pictures. He’s done this to the extent that he refers to himself as “the world’s first cyborg”, which we are inclined to agree on… His webpage won’t win any design prizes but is nonetheless well worth to dig deeper in to.

What do you think? Is there anyone that we’ve missed?